Pamela Samuelson
Selected Papers by Pamela Samuelson
- Google Book Search and the Future of Books in Cyberspace, forthcoming in Minn. L. Rev.(2010)
- Should Copyright Owners Have to Give Notice About Their Use of Technical Protection Measures?, 6 J. Telecom. & High Tech. L. 41 (2007)
(with Jason Schultz),republication forthcoming in Digital Rights Management Technologies (ICFAI 2008)- A Reverse Notice and Takedown Regime to Enable Fair Uses of Technically Protected Copyrighted Works, 22 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 981 (2007)(with Jerome H. Reichman & Graeme Dinwoodie), republication forthcoming in P2P AND SECONDARY LIABILITY IN
COPYRIGHT LAW (Alain Strowel, ed. 2007)- Preliminary Thoughts on Copyright Reform Project, 3 Utah L. Rev. 551 (2007)), republication forthcoming in J. Scholarly Pub’g (April 2008)
- Why Copyright Excludes Systems and Processes From the Scope of Its Protection, 85 Tex. L. Rev. 1921 (2007)
- Principles for Resolving Conflicts Between Trade Secrets and the First Amendment, 58 Hastings L. J. 777 (2007)
republication forthcoming in FIRST AMENDMENT LAW HANDBOOK 2007-08 (Rodney Smolla, ed. 2008)- Regulating Digital Rights Management Technologies: Should Copyright Owners Have to Give Notice About DRM Restrictions? forthcoming in the Journal of Telecom & Tech. L. (2007)
- Legally Speaking: Software Patents and the Metaphysics of 271(f), 50 Communications of the ACM 15(June 2007)
- Why Copyright Law Excludes Systems and Processes From the Scope of Its Protection , forthcoming in 85 Texas Law Review(2007)
- Patent Reform Through the Courts, 50 Comm ACM 19 (February 2007)
- Questioning Copyrights in Standards, 48 B.C. L. Rev 193 (January 2007)
- Enriching Discourse on Public Domain, 55 Duke L. J. 783 (2006)
- IBM’s Pragmatic Embrace of Open Source, (49 Comm ACM, 49 Comm ACM 21 (October 2006)
- Questioning Copyright in Standards, forthcoming in BC Law Rev
- The Generativity of Sony v. Universal: The Intellectual Property Legacy of Justice Stevens, 74 Fordham L Rev 1831 (2006)
- Brief Amici Curiae of 60 Intellectual Property and Technology Law Professors and the United States Public Policy Committee of the Association for Computing Machinery in Support of Respondents in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios v. Grokster
also published in 20 Berkeley Tech. L. J. 535 (2005)- SENSOR NETWORKS & PRIVACY, presentation given at the Securing Privacy Conference, Stanford Univeristy, March 13, 2004.
- Intellectual Property Arbitrage: How Foreign Rules Can Affect Domestic Protections, 71 Chi. L. Rev. 223 (Winter 2004)
- Preserving the Positive Functions of the Public Domain for Science, 2 Data Science J. 192 (Nov. 2003)
- Brief Amici Curiae of 40 Intellectual Property and Technology Law Professor Supporting Affirmance
in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios v. Grokster, filed before the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, September 26, 2003- The Constitutional Law of Intellectual Property After Eldred v. Ashcroft, 50 J. Cop. Off. Socy 547 (2003)
- Digital Rights Management {and, or, vs.} the Law, vol. 46, no. 4, April 2003
- Toward a "New Deal" for Copyright for an Information Age, Forthcoming in 100 Michigan L. Rev. (2002)
- Toward a New Politics of Intellectual Property, Presented at World Wide Web 2002.
- The Law & Economics of Reverse Engineering (with Suzanne Scotchmer) ,111 Yale L. J. 1575 (2002)
- Anti-Circumvention Rules Threaten Science
293 Science 2028 (Sep 14, 2001)- The "New Economy" and Information Technology Policy (with Hal Varian) [PDF] [FIGURES]
A review of information policy in the 1990s. Prepared "Economic Policy During the Clinton Administration", held at JFK School of Government, Harvard University, June 27-30, 2001.- Brief Amicus Curiae of ACLU, ALA, et al in the Universal City Studios v. Reimerdes
- The Digital Dilemma: A Perspective on Intellectual Property in the Information Age
Presented at the Telecommunications Policy Research Conference '00 (with Randall Davis).- Five Challenges for Regulating the Global Information Society In REGULATING THE GLOBAL INFORMATION SOCIETY (Chris Marsden ed., Routledge, 2000).
- Economic and Constitutional Influences on Copyright Law in the United States In UNITED STATES INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW (Hugh Hansen ed., Sweet & Maxwell, forthcoming 2000).
- Towards More Sensible Anti-Circumvention Regulations Proceedings of Financial Cryptography 2000 Conference (forthcoming 2000).
- Privacy as Intellectual Property? 52 Stan. L. Rev. 1125 (2000) (this link leads to a draft paper; the final version can be accessed in the SLR).
- Licensing Information in the Global Information Market: Freedom of Contract Meets Public Policy,
21 Eur. Intell. Prop. Rev. 386 (Aug. 1999) (co-authored with Kurt Opsahl)- Intellectual Property And The Digital Economy: Why The Anti-Circumvention Regulations Need To Be Revised 14 Berkeley Tech. L. J. 519 (1999); HTML format
A related slide presentation is also available.- Copyright, Commodification, and Censorshop: Past as Prologue-But to What Future? Presented at The Commodification of Information Conference, May 30-31, 1999. Haifa, Israel
- Intellectual Property and Contract Law for the Information Age 87 Calif. L. Rev. 1 (Jan. 1999).
- Intellectual Property and Economic Development: Opportunities for China in the Information Age This paper was prepared for the ’98 International Symposium on the Protection of Intellectual Property for the 21st Century, October 28-30, 1998, in Beijing, PRC.
- Technology in and Beyond the Classroom Berkeley Multimedia Research Center. This material was prepared for the AALS Experienced Teachers Conference, June 10-14, 1997, in Minneapolis MN.
- On Author's Rights in Cyberspace: Are New International Rules Needed? First Monday (Oct. 1996)
- Self-Plagiarism or Fair Use? Communications of the ACM 37(8) August 1994
- Intellectual Property Rights for Digital Library and Hypertext Publishing Systems 6 Harv. J. Law & Tech. 237 (1993) (co-authored with Robert J. Glushko)
- Good Legal Writing: of Orwell and Window Panes 46 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 149 (Fall 1984)
- Does Information Really Want To Be Licensed? Unedited copy, scheduled to be published in September 1998 issue of Communications of the ACM, copyright ACM, posted on the Internet with permission.
- Brief Amicus Curiae of Copyright Law Professors in Lotus Development Corp. v. Borland Int'l, Inc., Journal of Intellectual Property Law (vol. 3, issue 103, Fall 1995)
- Copyright, Digital Data, and Fair Use in Digital Networked Environments THE ELECTRONIC SUPERHIGHWAY: THE SHAPE OF TECHNOLOGY AND LAW TO COME (Daniel Poulin, ed., 1995) (1995)
- The Copyright Grab
Wired, (4.01, Jan. 1996).- Big Media Beaten Back
Wired (vol. 5.03, issue 64, Mar. 1997)- Database Debacle
Wired (vol. 6.02, issue 101, Feb. 1998)- Maximum Copyright, Minimum Use
Wired (vol. 6.03, issue 102, Mar. 1998)- Fair Use or Fair License?
Wired (vol. 6.05, issue 100, May 1998)Communications of the ACM
- How to Achieve (Some) Balance in Anti-Circumvention Laws, with J. Reichman and G. Dinwoodie, 51 Comm ACM 21 (February 2008)
- Hacking Intellectual Property Law, 51 Comm. ACM 65 (January 2008)
- Does Copyright Law Need to Be Reformed, 50 Comm. ACM, 19 (October 2007)
- Copyrighting Standards, 49 Comm ACM 27 (June 2006)
- Regulating Technical Design, 49 Comm ACM 25 (February 2006)
- Legally Speaking: Did MGM Really Win the Grokster Case?, 48 Comm. ACM 19 (October 2005)
- Legally Speaking: The Supreme Court Revisits the Sony Safe Harbor 48 Comm. ACM 21 (Jun 2005)
- Legally Speaking: Legislative Challenges to the Sony Safe Harbor Rule 48 Comm. ACM 27 (March 2005)
- Legally Speaking: Why Reform the U.S. Patent System? 47 Comm. ACM 19 (June 2004)
- What's at Stake in MGM v. Grokster, 47 Comm ACM 15 (Feb. 2004)
- Unsolicited Communications as Trespass?, 46 Comm. ACM 15 (Oct. 2003)
- Trade Secrets vs. Free Speech, 46 Comm. ACM 19 (June 2003)
- Reverse Engineering Under Siege, 45 Comm. ACM 15 (Nov. 2002)
- Intellectual Property for an Information Age
How to balance the public interest, traditional legal principles, and the emerging digital reality.
Communications of the ACM (vol. 44, no. 2, Feb. 2001)- Toward a new politics of intellectual property
Communications of the ACM (vol. 44, No. 3, Mar. 2001)- Does information really have to be licensed?
Communications of the ACM (Vol. 41, No. 9, Sept. 1998)- Encoding the law into digital libraries
Communications of the ACM (vol. 41, no. 4, Apr. 1998)- Embedding technical self-help in licensed software
Communications of the ACM (Vol. 40, No. 10, Oct. 1997), pages 13-17.- The Never Ending Struggle For Balance
Communications of the ACM (vol. 40, no. 5, May 1997)- Legal protection for database contents
Communications of the ACM (vol. 39, no. 12, Dec. 1996)- Regulation of Technologies to Protect Copyrighted Works
Communications of the ACM (vol. 39, no. 7, Jul. 1996)
- Intellectual Property Rights and the Global Information Economy
Communications of the ACM (vol. 39, no. 1, Jan. 1996)- Software Compatibility and the Law
Communications of the ACM (vol. 38, no. 8, Aug. 1995)- Copyright and Digital Libraries
Communications of the ACM (vol. 38, no. 4, Apr. 1995)- The NII Intellectual Property Report
Communications of the ACM (vol. 37, issue 12, Dec. 1994)- Copyright's Fair Use Doctrine and Digital Data,
Communications of the ACM (vol. 37, no. 1, Jan. 1994)- Self-Plagiarism or Fair Use?,
Communications of the ACM (vol. 37, no. 8, Aug. 1994)- Computer programs and copyright's fair use doctrine
Communications of the ACM (vol. 36, no. 9 Sep. 1993), Pages 19 - 25- The ups and downs of look and feel
Communications of the ACM (vol. 36, no. 4 Apr. 1993), Pages 29 - 35- Liability for defective electronic information
Communication of the ACM (vol. 36, no. 1, Jan. 1993)- Updating the copyright look and feel lawsuits
Communications of the ACM (vol. 35, no. 9, Sep. 1992)- Developments on the intellectual property front
Communications of the ACM (vol. 35, no. 6, Jun. 1992) (with Michel Denber, and Robert J.Glushko)- Copyright Law and Electronic Compilations of Data
Communications of the ACM (vol. 35, no. 2, Feb. 1992)- Digital Media and the Law
Communications of the ACM (vol. 34, no. 10, Oct. 1991)- First Amendment Rights for Information Providers?
Communications of the ACM (vol. 34, no. 6, June 1991)- Is Information Property?
Communications of the ACM (vol. 34, no. 3, Mar. 1991)
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Last Modified: 10 January 2010